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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Stress nyer....

Kadang2 kita stress sangat. Mungkin sebab kerja, mungkin sebab family, mungkin sebab kawan2 dan mungkin juga sebab persekitaran. Bila stress, macam2 boleh jadi. Mood kita pun jadi tak stabil.  Apa yang kita buat semua akan menjadi luar kawalan yang sepatutnya. Kadang2 keputusan yang kita ambil pun kita tak sempat nak fikir baik buruknya. 
Walaupun stress, saya tetap 'suka'
Berikut saya sertakan beberapa tips untuk meng'handle' stress;

Adjust your attitude

If you're caring for an ailing family member, are stuck in a dreadful job or feel overwhelmed by the demands of having young children, your situation won't change overnight. While you work toward adjusting what you can (look for a new job, hire help), your attitude is your best defense. "It's not stressful unless you perceive it as such," says Peeke. Use humor to look at your situation differently. Instead of obsessing about obstacles -- and there will always be obstacles -- try to see them as opportunities to care for yourself well during adversity and to grow stronger and wiser.

Kalau kita fikirkan sgt stress tu mmg lah kan. Jadi, kena sesuaikan diri dgn stress tersebut. Buat2 lawak ke bagi menghiburkan hati sendiri dan yang tersayang.


Adopt (or maintain) healthful habits

When you're stressed, it's tempting to let self-care slide -- but that's when you need it most. A good night's sleep restores your body and gives you enough energy to face the next day, so turn off the TV earlier or play soothing music before bed to help you relax. Eat nutritious foods in small portions throughout the day to boost energy and nourish yourself. And while a 10-minute walk may help defuse a tense situation, regular exercise (especially outdoors) can quash the stress reaction before it even starts.

Kalau stress biasanya otak kita akan penat sebab banyak fikir. So, lebih baik tidur awal, makan makanan berkhasiat dan buat exercise untuk mengimbangi stress tersebut. Percayalah, perkara tersebut dapat membantu ;)

**Take a break

Relaxation exercises can have a profound -- and lasting -- effect on your mood. Peeke recommends setting aside 10 to 20 minutes each day to practice yoga, tai chi, meditation or another relaxation method, plus five-minute mini-sessions whenever you need a shot of tranquility. You can sit quietly and focus on your breath, repeat an uplifting saying or mantra to yourself, or even take a walking meditation and focus on the movement of your body.

Ambik masa untuk diri sendiir. Yes, kita perlukan masa untuk diri kita sendirian. Fikir apa yang perlu dan patut dilakukan dalam keadaan tersebut. Buat Plan A, Plan B dan juga Plan C. Kalau kita tak buat perancangan, siapa lagi nk merancang untuk kita?

Kalau saya, saya akan ambik cuti selepas waktu2 kritikal. contohnya kalau saya kena outstation dan keje lebih masa yang melampau, mmg saya ambik cuti untuk rehat2 bersama yang tersayang. Itu pun kira terapi sebenarnya. Lepas tu, kalau ada masa yang sesuai, pegi gym. buat workout sikit dan sgt puas hati bila peluh menitik nitik ;)

Develop a Plan B (and a Plan C)

And a Plan Z if necessary. Peeke calls this "becoming a master regrouper." When you develop Plan A, anticipate possible roadblocks and brainstorm ways around them. Can't go to the gym because your child is sick? Work out to an exercise video while he naps. Skip breakfast because you don't have time to fix something? Stock your pantry with healthful grab-and-go options, like dried fruit and nuts or a low-sugar energy bar.

Memang pelu ada langkah2 inisiatif yang logik untuk diambil kira. Kalau Plan A tak jadi, cuba Plan B pulak dan seterusnya lah... Kalau takde plan, susah lah nk bertindak jika sesuatu terjadi. Maksudnya kita mesti bersedia walau apa pun terjadi. 


Connect with your gal pals

"It helps to surround yourself with a support system that 'gets it'," says Peeke. And while men can certainly cheer you on, in Peeke's experience, women are better able to offer the empathy and encouragement you need when you're ready to self-destruct. Mentally list a few women you're comfortable turning to for support and call on them as needed.

Share lah dgn kawan yang positif dan betul2 kawan. Sebab mungkin dia mempunyai idea yang lebih baik dari kita dan semestinya berkongsi masalah adalah terbaik untuk melegakan stress terutama bagi wanita. (Sebab tu wanita banyak meluahkan kt blog ;p)

Dipetik dari: shoppinglifestyle

Yang bertanda ** adalah yang paling saya suka buat bila stress ;-)

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